Bengali Meanings of Brat: ছোকরা, নকচাকা, দুষ্টুমি (noun)
Definition of Brat
(noun, /brat/)
A brat refers to a child who is ill-mannered, spoiled, or unruly. It is often used to describe a child who behaves badly or throws tantrums.
Synonyms of Brat
- Rascal – দুষ্টুমি
- Imp – ছোকরা
- Scamp – নকচাকা
- Whippersnapper – ছোকরা
- Brute – দুষ্টুমি
Antonyms of Brat
- Angel – দেবতা
- Saint – সন্ত
- Role model – আদর্শ
- Well-behaved – শিষ্ট
- Polite – শিষ্ট
Origin of Brat
The word “brat” originated from the Middle English word “bratt,” which meant a cloak or apron. Over time, it evolved to refer to a child who wore such a garment, often associated with lower-class families. The negative connotation of the word developed due to the perception of poorly behaved or unruly children from these backgrounds.
Nearby Words
- Brass (noun)
- Brave (adjective)
- Bravo (interjection)
- Bray (verb)
- Brawl (noun)
Brat in Literature Quotes
“The little brat threw a tantrum and disrupted the entire class.” – Jane Austen (ছোট ছোট ছেলেমেয়ে বিদ্যালয়ের সবার কাছে কোলাহল করে দিলেন।)
“He was a spoiled brat, always getting his way.” – Mark Twain (তিনি একজন দুষ্টুমি ছোট ছেলে ছিলেন, সর্বদা তার ইচ্ছামত পেতেন।)
Brat Meaning in Different Languages
- Bengali: ছোকরা
- Hindi: शैतान
- Nepali: दुष्ट
- Urdu: شیطان
- Tamil: புத்திசாலி
- Telugu: పిచ్చికారి
- Arabic: طفل شقي
- Chinese: 淘气鬼
- Japanese: いたずらっ子
- Russian: непослушный ребенок
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