
Burking Meaning in Bengali: বার্কিং (noun), বার্কিং (pronunciation: barking)

Definition and Part of Speech

Burking (noun, pronounced as barking) refers to the act of murdering someone by suffocating them, usually by sitting on their chest or covering their mouth and nose. This term is often associated with the infamous case of William Burke and William Hare, who killed people to sell their bodies for dissection in the early 19th century.

Synonyms of Burking

1. Smothering (স্মাদন, verb)
2. Suffocating (স্বাস বন্ধ করা, verb)
3. Choking (গলায় আঘাত করা, verb)

Antonyms of Burking

1. Resuscitate (পুনরুজ্জীবিত করা, verb)
2. Revive (পুনরুজ্জীবিত করা, verb)

Origin of Burking

The term “burking” originated from the notorious case of William Burke and William Hare, who were involved in a series of murders in Edinburgh, Scotland, between 1827 and 1828. They killed their victims by suffocating them and then sold the bodies to anatomists for dissection.

Nearby Words

1. Burka (noun) – a loose garment covering the entire body, worn by some Muslim women.
2. Burkina Faso (noun) – a landlocked country in West Africa.
3. Burden (noun) – a heavy load or responsibility.
4. Burgeon (verb) – to grow or develop rapidly.
5. Burial (noun) – the act of burying a dead body.

Burking in Literature Quotes

1. “The murderer was caught in the act of burking his victim.” – Charles Dickens (খুনিকে বার্কিং করতে সময়ে মোচড়া গেল অপরাধী।)
2. “She was terrified that she would be the next victim of burking.” – Agatha Christie (তিনি ভয় পেয়েছিলেন যে তিনি পরবর্তী বার্কিং এর শিকার হবেন।)

Burking Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: বার্কিং (barking)
Hindi: बर्किंग (barking)
Nepali: बर्किंग (barking)
Urdu: بارکنگ (barking)
Tamil: பார்க்கிங் (barking)
Telugu: బార్కింగ్ (barking)
Arabic: باركينغ (barking)
Chinese: 勃金 (barking)
Japanese: バーキング (barking)
Russian: баркинг (barking)

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