
Burly Meaning in Bengali: ভারী, দুর্বল, দুর্বলবদন্ত, দুর্বলশরীর, দুর্বলমূর্তি (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun)

Definition of Burly

(noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun)

Burly is an adjective that describes someone or something as large, strong, and heavily built. It can also refer to a person who is rough or boisterous in nature. As a noun, burly refers to a person who is large and muscular. As a verb, it means to handle or move something in a rough or forceful manner.

Synonyms of Burly

(noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun)

Some synonyms of burly include strong, robust, sturdy, muscular, hefty, powerful, hulking, and beefy.

Antonyms of Burly

(noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun)

Antonyms of burly include weak (দুর্বল), feeble (দুর্বল), frail (দুর্বল), delicate (দুর্বল), and slender (দুর্বল).

Origin of Burly

(noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun)

The word “burly” originated from the Middle English word “borli” which means “strong” or “stout.” It can be traced back to the Old English word “byrlic” which means “strongly built.”

Nearby Words

(noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun)

Some nearby words to burly include bulky (adjective), burliness (noun), burlesque (noun), burlywood (noun), and burn (verb).

Burly in Literature Quotes

(noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun)

“He was a burly man with a heart of gold.” – John Smith (সে একজন ভারী মানুষ ছিলেন যিনি স্বর্ণের হৃদয় রাখতেন।)

“The burly wrestler lifted his opponent effortlessly.” – Jane Doe (ভারী মানুষ মুসলিম প্রতিযোগীকে সহজেই উঠিয়ে নিলেন।)

Burly Meaning in Different Languages

(Bengali: ভারী, Hindi: मोटा, Nepali: भारी, Urdu: بڑا, Tamil: பெரிய, Telugu: బర్లీ, Arabic: ضخم, Chinese: 魁梧, Japanese: がっしりした, Russian: крепкий)

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