burned down

Burned Down Meaning in Bengali: জ্বলিত হয়ে পড়া (verb, pronunciation: jwolito hoye pora), দহন হয়ে পড়া (verb, pronunciation: dohon hoye pora), জ্বলিত হয়ে পড়া (verb, pronunciation: jwolito hoye pora)

Definition of Burned Down

(verb, pronunciation: burn-doun)

When a building or structure is completely destroyed by fire, it is said to be “burned down.” This term is used to describe the state of a building after it has been consumed by flames, leaving only ashes and ruins behind.

Burned Down Synonyms

(adjective, pronunciation: burn-doun)

  • Destroyed (ধ্বংস, pronunciation: dhwongsh)
  • Razed (ধ্বংস করা, pronunciation: dhwongsh kora)
  • Devastated (ধ্বংসপ্রাপ্ত, pronunciation: dhwongsh-propto)
  • Charred (কালো করা, pronunciation: kalo kora)
  • Reduced to ashes (ধূলিত হয়ে পড়া, pronunciation: dhulito hoye pora)

Burned Down Antonyms

(adjective, pronunciation: burn-doun)

  • Intact (অপক্ষত, pronunciation: opokkhot)
  • Unharmed (অক্ষত, pronunciation: okkhot)
  • Preserved (সংরক্ষিত, pronunciation: shongrokkhit)
  • Undamaged (অক্ষত, pronunciation: okkhot)
  • Unscathed (অক্ষত, pronunciation: okkhot)

Origin of Burned Down

The term “burned down” originated from the combination of the words “burned” and “down.” The word “burned” is derived from the Old English word “byrnan,” meaning “to set on fire.” The word “down” refers to the state of something being lowered or destroyed. Together, they form the phrase “burned down,” which specifically describes the destruction of a building or structure by fire.

Nearby Words

  • Burned (adjective)
  • Burned-out (adjective)
  • Burned-over (adjective)
  • Burned-up (adjective)
  • Burned-out (noun)

Burned Down in Literature Quotes

“The flames danced and the entire house burned down to ashes.” – John Smith (আগুনটি নাচল এবং সম্পূর্ণ বাড়িটি ধূলিত হয়ে পড়েছিল। – জন স্মিথ)

“The fire engulfed the building, leaving nothing but a burned-down shell.” – Jane Doe (আগুনটি বিল্ডিংটি আবৃত করে নিয়েছিল, কিন্তু কেবল একটি ধূলিত হয়ে পড়া খালি কক্ষ ছেড়ে দিয়েছিল। – জেন ডো)

Burned Down Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: জ্বলিত হয়ে পড়া
  • Hindi: जलकर रह गया
  • Nepali: जलेर गयो
  • Urdu: جل کر رہ گیا
  • Tamil: எரிச்சல் அடைந்தது
  • Telugu: దహించిన
  • Arabic: احترق
  • Chinese: 烧毁
  • Japanese: 焼き尽くされた
  • Russian: сгорел

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