Bush Meaning in Bengali: জঙ্গল, গাছবিশেষ, গাছপালা, গাছপালার মতো (noun, pronunciation: boosh)
Definition of Bush
(noun, pronunciation: boosh)
A bush is a large plant with many branches that grows in the wild or is cultivated for its flowers or leaves. It is typically smaller than a tree and has a shorter main stem.
Synonyms of Bush
(noun, pronunciation: boosh)
- Shrub – গাছপালা
- Thicket – জঙ্গল
- Underbrush – গাছপালার মতো
- Brush – গাছবিশেষ
Antonyms of Bush
(noun, pronunciation: boosh)
- Clearing – খালি জায়গা
- Field – খেত
- Meadow – ঘাসের মাঠ
- Plain – মাঠ
Origin of Bush
(noun, pronunciation: boosh)
The word “bush” originated from the Old English word “bysc,” which means “bush, thicket.” It can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word “buskaz” and the Proto-Indo-European root word “bʰuH-,” meaning “to grow, swell.”
Nearby Words
- Bushel – noun
- Bushfire – noun
- Bushwhack – verb
- Bushy – adjective
Bush in Literature Quotes
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb (সেরা সময় একটি গাছ লাগানোর ছিল ২০ বছর আগে। দ্বিতীয় সেরা সময় হল এখন।)
“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson (এক কাঠবিটায় হাজার জঙ্গল সৃষ্টি হয়।)
Bush Meaning in Different Languages
- Bengali: জঙ্গল
- Hindi: जंगल
- Nepali: जंगल
- Urdu: جنگل
- Tamil: காடு
- Telugu: అడవి
- Arabic: غابة
- Chinese: 丛林
- Japanese: 林
- Russian: куст
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