Business Center Meaning in Bengali: ব্যবসা কেন্দ্র, ব্যবসা কেন্দ্র (noun, pronunciation: biz-nis sen-ter)
Definition of Business Center
A business center refers to a physical location or facility that provides various services and amenities to support businesses and professionals. It is designed to offer a convenient and productive environment for conducting business activities.
Synonyms of Business Center
- Office complex – অফিস কমপ্লেক্স (noun)
- Commercial hub – বাণিজ্যিক হাব (noun)
- Business park – ব্যবসা উদ্যান (noun)
- Corporate center – কর্পোরেট কেন্দ্র (noun)
Antonyms of Business Center
- Home office – বাড়ির অফিস (noun)
- Remote workplace – দূরস্থ কর্মস্থল (noun)
- Virtual office – ভার্চুয়াল অফিস (noun)
Origin of Business Center
The concept of a business center originated in the early 20th century, primarily in urban areas where the demand for shared office spaces and services increased. It gained popularity as a cost-effective solution for small businesses and entrepreneurs who needed access to professional facilities without the burden of long-term leases or high overhead costs.
Nearby Words
- Business – noun
- Center – noun
- Office – noun
- Workspace – noun
- Facility – noun
Business Center in Literature Quotes
- “A business center is like a hive of activity, buzzing with entrepreneurs and professionals striving for success.” – John Doe (একটি ব্যবসা কেন্দ্র একটি কার্যক্রমের মধ্যে একটি মধুময় স্থান, যেখানে উদ্যোক্তা এবং পেশাদারগণ সাফল্যের জন্য প্রচুর প্রচেষ্টা করে।)
- “In the heart of the city, the business center stood tall, a symbol of commerce and progress.” – Jane Smith (শহরের হৃদয়ে, ব্যবসা কেন্দ্র উচ্চতায় দাঁড়িয়েছিল, বাণিজ্য এবং উন্নতির প্রতীক।)
Business Center Meaning in Different Languages
- Bengali: ব্যবসা কেন্দ্র
- Hindi: व्यापार केंद्र
- Nepali: व्यापार केन्द्र
- Urdu: کاروباری مرکز
- Tamil: வணிக மையம்
- Telugu: వ్యాపార కేంద్రం
- Arabic: مركز الأعمال
- Chinese: 商务中心
- Japanese: ビジネスセンター
- Russian: Бизнес-центр
For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Business Center. You can also refer to and The Free Dictionary for detailed definitions and examples.