Business Man Meaning in Bengali: ব্যবসায়ী, ব্যবসায়ীত্ব (noun, pronunciation: bɪznəs mæn)
Definition of Business Man
A business man refers to an individual who is engaged in commercial or industrial activities with the aim of earning profits. They are responsible for managing and operating a business, making important decisions, and taking risks to ensure the success and growth of the enterprise.
Synonyms of Business Man
1. Entrepreneur (noun, pronunciation: ɑntrəprəˈnər) – উদ্যোক্তা
2. Trader (noun, pronunciation: treɪdər) – বাণিজ্যিক
3. Merchant (noun, pronunciation: ˈmɜrtʃənt) – বণিক
4. Industrialist (noun, pronunciation: ɪnˈdʌstriəlɪst) – শিল্পপতি
5. Tycoon (noun, pronunciation: taɪˈkun) – ধনী ব্যক্তি
Antonyms of Business Man
1. Employee (noun, pronunciation: ɪmˈplɔɪi) – কর্মচারী
2. Worker (noun, pronunciation: ˈwɜrkər) – কর্মী
3. Laborer (noun, pronunciation: ˈleɪbərər) – শ্রমিক
4. Servant (noun, pronunciation: ˈsɜrvənt) – দাস
5. Staff (noun, pronunciation: stæf) – কর্মচারীদল
Origin of Business Man
The term “business man” originated in the late 18th century from the combination of the words “business” and “man.” It gained popularity during the Industrial Revolution when the concept of capitalism and entrepreneurship flourished.
Nearby Words
1. Businesswoman (noun) – ব্যবসায়িনী
2. Business (noun) – ব্যবসা
3. Businesslike (adjective) – ব্যবসায়িক
4. Businessperson (noun) – ব্যবসায়িক ব্যক্তি
5. Businesswoman (noun) – ব্যবসায়িনী
Business Man in Literature Quotes
1. “The business of the businessman is business.” – Thomas Jefferson (ব্যবসায়ীর ব্যবসা হল ব্যবসার কাজ।)
2. “A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.” – Henry Ford (কেবল টাকা আদানপ্রদান করা ব্যবসা খারাপ ব্যবসা।)
Business Man Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: ব্যবসায়ী
Hindi: व्यापारी
Nepali: व्यापारी
Urdu: کاروباری
Tamil: வணிகன்
Telugu: వ్యాపారి
Arabic: رجل أعمال
Chinese: 商人
Japanese: ビジネスマン
Russian: бизнесмен
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