Bustle Meaning in Bengali: গতিবিধিমূলকতা, উত্তেজনা, কার্যক্রমবিশেষতা (noun, pronunciation: buhs-uhl)
Definition of Bustle
Bustle refers to a state of being busy, noisy, and full of activity. It can also mean a commotion or a hustle and bustle. The word is often used to describe a lively and energetic atmosphere.
Synonyms of Bustle
Some synonyms of bustle include hustle, commotion, activity, flurry, agitation, and tumult.
Antonyms of Bustle
Antonyms of bustle include calmness (শান্তি), tranquility (শান্তিপূর্ণতা), stillness (অচলতা), and serenity (শান্তিময়তা).
Origin of Bustle
The word bustle originated in the early 18th century from the Middle English word ‘bustelen,’ which means to hurry. It is related to the Dutch word ‘bustelen,’ meaning to hustle or bustle.
Nearby Words
- Busy (adjective) – ব্যস্ত
- Noisy (adjective) – শোরগোলপূর্ণ
- Activity (noun) – কার্যকলাপ
- Commotion (noun) – হহকার
- Hustle (noun) – হাড়গোড়া
Bustle in Literature Quotes
“The bustle in a house, the morning after death, is solemnest of industries enacted upon earth.” – Emily Dickinson (একটি বাড়িতে মৃত্যুর পরে সকালের উদ্যান অত্যন্ত গভীর পূজা হয় যা পৃথিবীতে অনুষ্ঠিত সবচেয়ে পবিত্র কাজ।)
“The bustle and the effort of the world are not for me.” – Jane Austen (পৃথিবীর গতিবিধি এবং প্রচেষ্টা আমার জন্য নয়।)
Bustle Meaning in Different Languages
- Bengali: গতিবিধিমূলকতা
- Hindi: गतिमयता
- Nepali: गतिबिधि
- Urdu: ہنگامہ
- Tamil: செயல்முறை
- Telugu: గతివిధి
- Arabic: صخب
- Chinese: 喧闹 (xuān nào)
- Japanese: 騒ぎ (sawagi)
- Russian: суета (suyeta)
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