
Bustling Meaning in Bengali: গতিশীল, উদ্যমী, ব্যস্ত, সক্রিয় (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) [gatishil, udyami, byasto, shokriyo]

Definition of Bustling

(noun, verb, adjective, adverb)

Bustling is a word that can be used as a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb. It is derived from the verb “bustle,” which means to move or act with great activity or energy. When used as a noun, bustling refers to a state of being busy and full of activity. As a verb, it describes the action of moving or acting energetically. As an adjective, bustling describes a place or atmosphere that is full of activity and excitement. As an adverb, it modifies a verb, indicating that the action is done with great energy or activity.

Synonyms of Bustling

(noun, verb, adjective, adverb)

  • Active – সক্রিয় (adjective) [shokriyo]
  • Busy – ব্যস্ত (adjective) [byasto]
  • Hustling – উদ্যমী (adjective) [udyami]
  • Thriving – উন্নতিমূলক (adjective) [unnatimulok]
  • Bustle – গতিশীলতা (noun) [gatishilota]
  • Commotion – উত্তেজনা (noun) [uttejona]

Antonyms of Bustling

(noun, verb, adjective, adverb)

  • Inactive – নিষ্ক্রিয় (adjective) [nishkriyo]
  • Quiet – শান্ত (adjective) [shanto]
  • Still – অচল (adjective) [ochol]
  • Idle – অলস (adjective) [olas]
  • Sluggish – মন্দ (adjective) [mond]
  • Tranquil – শান্তিপূর্ণ (adjective) [shantipurno]

Origin of Bustling

The word “bustling” originated from the Middle English word “bustelen,” which means to hurry or move noisily. It is related to the Dutch word “bustelen,” which has a similar meaning. The word has been in use since the 14th century and has evolved to its current form over time.

Nearby Words

  • Bustle – গতিশীলতা (noun)
  • Bustled – গতিশীল (adjective)
  • Bustler – উদ্যমী (noun)
  • Bustles – গতিশীল হওয়া (verb)
  • Bustlingly – গতিশীলভাবে (adverb)

Bustling in Literature Quotes

“The city was bustling with activity, as people hurriedly went about their daily lives.” – John Smith (শহরটি উদ্যমে পূর্ণ ছিল, যেখানে মানুষরা তাদের দৈনন্দিন জীবন সম্পাদনে উদ্যমে চলে গেল।)”

“The bustling marketplace was a sight to behold, with vendors shouting their wares and customers haggling for the best prices.” – Jane Doe (উদ্যমী বাজারটি দেখতে অবাক করা, যেখানে বিক্রেতারা তাদের পণ্য চিল্লান এবং ক্রেতারা সেরা মূল্যের জন্য কাঠামো করছে।)”

Bustling Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: গতিশীল
  • Hindi: गतिशील
  • Nepali: गतिशील
  • Urdu: گتشل
  • Tamil: செயல்பாடுகள்
  • Telugu: గతిశీలం
  • Arabic: نشيط
  • Chinese: 熙熙攘攘
  • Japanese: 忙しい
  • Russian: суетливый

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