Butler Meaning in Bengali: বাটলার, বাটলার মত কাজ করা, বাটলার মত ব্যবহার করা
(noun, /ˈbʌtlər/)
A butler is a domestic worker in a large household who is responsible for managing the household and serving the needs of the employer. They typically perform tasks such as serving meals, managing household staff, and overseeing the maintenance of the household.
Synonyms of Butler:
- Steward – স্টুয়ার্ড (noun)
- Valet – ভ্যালেট (noun)
- Manservant – পুরুষ দাস (noun)
- Footman – পদচারী (noun)
Antonyms of Butler:
- Mistress – মেস্ত্রী (noun)
- Master – মালিক (noun)
- Employer – কর্মকর্তা (noun)
- Owner – মালিক (noun)
Origin of Butler:
The word “butler” originated from the Old French word “bouteillier,” which means “bottle bearer.” In medieval times, the butler was responsible for managing the wine cellar and serving wine to the lord of the house. Over time, the role of the butler expanded to include other household management duties.
Nearby Words:
- Butler’s Pantry – (noun)
- Butler’s Tray – (noun)
- Butlerage – (noun)
- Butlering – (noun)
Butler in Literature Quotes:
- “The butler did it.” – Agatha Christie (বাটলার এটা করেছিলেন।)
- “I am the butler, and I am here to serve.” – P.G. Wodehouse (আমি বাটলার, এবং আমি এখানে সেবা করতে আছি।)
Butler Meaning in Different Languages:
- Bengali: বাটলার
- Hindi: बटलर
- Nepali: बटलर
- Urdu: بٹلر
- Tamil: பட்லர்
- Telugu: బట్లర్
- Arabic: خادم
- Chinese: 男管家
- Japanese: バトラー
- Russian: дворецкий
For more information, you can visit wikipedia.org, dictionary.com, and thefreedictionary.com.