butt into

Butt Into Meaning in Bengali: বাংলা অর্থে বাট ইন্টু (noun, pronunciation: buht in-too)

Definition: The phrase “butt into” means to interfere or intrude into someone else’s conversation or business without being invited or welcomed.

Synonyms of Butt Into: interrupt, meddle, intrude, interject, interfere

Antonyms of Butt Into: mind one’s own business (নিজের কাজে মন দিয়ে চলা), stay out (বাইরে থাকা), keep away (দূরে থাকা)

Origin of Butt Into: The origin of the phrase “butt into” can be traced back to the early 20th century. The word “butt” in this context refers to thrusting oneself forward forcefully, while “into” indicates the act of entering or intruding. Together, they form the meaning of interfering or intruding into someone else’s affairs.

Nearby Words: butt, butte, butter, button, butler (noun), butting (verb)

Butt Into in Literature Quotes:

  1. “I wish he wouldn’t butt into other people’s conversations,” said Alice, feeling very annoyed. (Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland) (আমি কামনা করি যে তিনি অন্যের কথায় হাত দেবেন না, আলিস খুব ক্রুদ্ধ অনুভব করছেন।)
  2. “Don’t butt into my personal matters,” she snapped at him. (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice) (আমার ব্যক্তিগত বিষয়ে হাত দেবেন না, তিনি তাকে কাঁদিয়ে বললেন।)

Butt Into Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: বাট ইন্টু
  • Hindi: दखल देना
  • Nepali: घुस्नु
  • Urdu: دخل دینا
  • Tamil: மேல் வந்துவிடு
  • Telugu: మధ్యక్కు వెళ్ళు
  • Arabic: التدخل في
  • Chinese: 插手
  • Japanese: 干渉する
  • Russian: вмешиваться

For more information on “butt into,” you can visit the following sources:

  1. Wikipedia.org
  2. Dictionary.com
  3. TheFreeDictionary.com