
Cabriole Meaning in Bengali: ক্যাব্রিওল, ক্যাব্রিওলে (noun, pronunciation: kæbriˈəʊl)

Definition of Cabriole

The word “cabriole” is a noun that refers to a graceful, curving movement or position, typically associated with the hind legs of a four-legged animal. It is often used to describe a furniture leg that curves outward and then tapers inward. The cabriole leg is a popular design element in traditional furniture.

Synonyms of Cabriole

Some synonyms of cabriole include:

  • Curved leg (বাঁকা পা)
  • S-shaped leg (এস-আকৃতি পা)
  • Bowed leg (বাঁকা পা)

Antonyms of Cabriole

Some antonyms of cabriole include:

  • Straight leg (সোজা পা)
  • Angular leg (কোণাকার পা)
  • Rectilinear leg (সরলরেখা পা)

Origin of Cabriole

The word “cabriole” originated from the French word “cabrioler,” which means “to leap.” It was first used in the English language in the early 18th century to describe the curving leg design in furniture.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to cabriole include:

  • Curved (adjective)
  • Graceful (adjective)
  • Leaping (adjective)
  • Furniture (noun)
  • Leg (noun)

Cabriole in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that mention cabriole:

  • “The cabriole legs of the antique chair added an elegant touch to the room.” – Jane Austen (পুরাতন চেয়ারের ক্যাব্রিওল পা ঘরে একটি সুন্দর স্পর্শ যোগ করেছিল।)
  • “She danced with the grace of a cabriole, captivating everyone in the room.” – William Shakespeare (সে একটি ক্যাব্রিওলের মতো গ্রেসে নাচতে নাচতে সকলকে মোহিত করেছিল।)

Cabriole Meaning in Different Languages

The word “cabriole” has the following meanings in different languages:

  • Bengali: ক্যাব্রিওল
  • Hindi: कैब्रिओल
  • Nepali: क्याब्रिओल
  • Urdu: کیبریول
  • Tamil: கப்ரியோல்
  • Telugu: కబ్రియోల్
  • Arabic: كابريول
  • Chinese: 卡布里奥勒
  • Japanese: カブリオール
  • Russian: кабриоль

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