
Cachou Meaning in Bengali: কাচু, কাচুগোলা, কাচুপাতি (noun)

Definition: Cachou refers to a small aromatic lozenge made from the seeds of the betel nut or from cloves, cardamom, and other aromatic substances. It is often used to sweeten the breath or as a digestive aid.

Synonyms: breath mint, lozenge, sweetmeat, pastille

Antonyms: দুর্গন্ধকারী (malodorous), বিষপ্রদানকারী (poisonous)

Origin: The word “cachou” originated from the French word “cachou” which means “a small aromatic lozenge.” It was first recorded in the English language in the early 19th century.

Nearby Words:

  • Cardamom (noun) – a spice made from the seeds of several plants belonging to the ginger family.
  • Clove (noun) – a strong-smelling spice made from the dried flower buds of a tropical tree.
  • Betel Nut (noun) – the seed of the betel palm, chewed with betel leaves and lime as a mild stimulant in many parts of Asia.

Cachou in Literature Quotes:

  • “She popped a cachou into her mouth and smiled.” – Agatha Christie (তিনি একটি কাচু মুখে রেখে হাসলেন।)
  • “He offered her a cachou, hoping to impress her.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald (তিনি তাকে একটি কাচু দিয়ে প্রভাবিত করার আশা করেছিলেন।)

Cachou Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: কাচু
  • Hindi: काचू
  • Nepali: काचू
  • Urdu: کاچو
  • Tamil: காசூ
  • Telugu: కాచూ
  • Arabic: كاشو
  • Chinese: 葛洛夫
  • Japanese: カシュー
  • Russian: кашу

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