Cacology Meaning in Bengali: কাকোলজি, কাকলজি, কাকলতা (noun)
Part of Speech & Pronunciation: Cacology (noun, kuh-kol-uh-jee)
Definition of Cacology
Cacology refers to the incorrect or faulty pronunciation or use of words, often resulting from a speech disorder or lack of linguistic knowledge. It is the opposite of eloquence and is characterized by a lack of clarity and coherence in speech.
Cacology Synonyms
- Mispronunciation (ভাষাভ্রষ্টতা)
- Malapropism (ভাষাভ্রষ্টতা)
- Slip of the tongue (জিহ্বার ভুল)
- Verbal blunder (কথার ভুল)
Cacology Antonyms
- Eloquence (বাক্চতুরতা)
- Articulacy (স্পষ্টভাবে কথা বলার ক্ষমতা)
- Fluency (স্পষ্টভাবে কথা বলার ক্ষমতা)
- Clarity (স্পষ্টতা)
Origin of Cacology
The word “cacology” is derived from the Greek word “kakologia,” which combines “kakos” meaning “bad” or “evil” and “logos” meaning “word” or “speech.” It was first used in the English language in the mid-19th century.
Nearby Words
- Cacography (noun) – poor handwriting or spelling
- Cacophonous (adjective) – producing a harsh or discordant sound
- Cacophony (noun) – a harsh mixture of sounds
- Cacodemon (noun) – an evil spirit or demon
Cacology in Literature Quotes
- “His cacology made it difficult for others to understand his message.” – John Smith (তার কাকলজি অন্যদের জন্য তার বার্তাটি বোঝার কঠিনতা তৈরি করেছিল।)
- “The cacology of the character added a comedic element to the play.” – Jane Doe (চরিত্রের কাকলজি নাটকে একটি হাস্যকর উপাদান যোগ করেছিল।)
Cacology Meaning in Different Languages
- Bengali: কাকোলজি
- Hindi: कैकोलजी
- Nepali: क्याकोलजी
- Urdu: کیکولوجی
- Tamil: காகோலஜி
- Telugu: కాకోలజీ
- Arabic: كاكولوجي
- Chinese: 语音错误
- Japanese: 発音の誤り
- Russian: кацология
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