
Complexes Meaning in Bengali: সমষ্টি, সংকট, জটিলতা (noun, pronunciation: /kəmˈplɛksɪz/) Definition of Complexes Complexes refer to a group of related ideas, emotions, or memories that are connected to a particular concept or theme. These ideas or emotions often stem from unresolved conflicts or traumas and can have a significant impact on an individual’s behavior and … Read more


Complex Meaning in Bengali: জটিল (noun, adjective, verb, জটিল) Complex is a word that can be used as a noun, adjective, or verb. It is pronounced as “kom-pleks” in English. In Bengali, complex can be translated as জটিল. As a noun, complex refers to a group of related things or ideas that are interconnected and … Read more


Completive meaning in Bengali: সমাপ্তিকারী, সমাপ্তিকারীয়, সমাপ্তিকারক (noun, adjective, verb) Definition and Synonyms Completive is a noun, adjective, and verb that refers to something that completes or finishes a task or action. It can also describe a grammatical aspect that indicates the completion of an action. Synonyms for completive include conclusive, finalizing, and finishing. For … Read more


Completions meaning in Bengali: সমাপ্তি, পরিপূর্ণতা (noun, pronunciation: kuhm-plee-shuhnz) Definition: Completions refer to the act of finishing or completing something. It is the state of being complete or fully accomplished. Synonyms for completions include fulfillment, accomplishment, conclusion, and culmination. For more, fulfillment meaning in Bengali, accomplishment meaning in Bengali, conclusion meaning in Bengali, and culmination … Read more

completion of work

Completion of Work Meaning in Bengali In Bengali, the phrase “completion of work” can be translated into several meanings: কাজের সমাপ্তি (kajer samapti), কাজ সম্পন্নতা (kaj shomponnota), কাজ সম্পূর্ণতা (kaj shompornta), কাজ সম্পাদন (kaj shompadon), and কাজ সম্পাদনা (kaj shompadona). (Noun, Pronunciation: kah-jer shoh-mop-tee, kah-j shohm-pon-noh-ta, kah-j shohm-poor-n-ta, kah-j shohm-pah-don, kah-j shohm-pah-doh-na) Definition of Completion … Read more