Close Fisted Meaning in Bengali: কঠোর হাতের, মিতব্যয়ী নয়, মিতব্যয়ী নয়তঃপরিমিত (noun, adjective, adverb, respectively)
Definition of Close Fisted
Close fisted, an adjective, refers to a person who is unwilling to spend money or give anything away; someone who is stingy or miserly.
Synonyms of Close Fisted
- Tightfisted meaning in Bengali: কঠোর হাতের ব্যক্তির মতো (Link: Tightfisted meaning in Bengali)
- Miserly meaning in Bengali: কঠোর হাতের ব্যক্তির মতো (Link: Miserly meaning in Bengali)
- Stingy meaning in Bengali: কঠোর হাতের ব্যক্তির মতো (Link: Stingy meaning in Bengali)
Antonyms of Close Fisted
- Generous meaning in Bengali: উদার (Link: Generous meaning in Bengali)
- Liberal meaning in Bengali: উদার (Link: Liberal meaning in Bengali)
- Openhanded meaning in Bengali: উদার (Link: Openhanded meaning in Bengali)
Origin of Close Fisted
The term “close fisted” originated from the idea of someone tightly holding their fist, symbolizing their unwillingness to let go of money or possessions.
Nearby Words
- Tightwad (noun)
- Parsimonious (adjective)
- Frugal (adjective)
Close Fisted in Literature Quotes
“He was so close fisted that he wouldn’t even lend a penny to his own brother.” – John Smith (তিনি তত কঠোর হাতের ছিলেন যে তিনি তাঁর নিজের ভাইকেও এক পেনি ধার করতে দিতেন না।)
“Her close fisted nature made her unpopular among her friends.” – Jane Doe (তার কঠোর হাতের স্বভাব তাকে তার বন্ধুদের মধ্যে অপপুলার করেছিল।)
Close Fisted Meaning in Different Languages
- Bengali: কঠোর হাতের
- Hindi: कंजूस
- Nepali: बन्द हातको
- Urdu: کنجوس
- Tamil: மிதவையான
- Telugu: మీతవ్యయి
- Arabic: بخيل
- Chinese: 吝啬
- Japanese: けち
- Russian: скупой
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