Coat with meaning in Bengali: কোট (noun), কোট করা (verb)
Definition and Synonyms
Coat with is a phrasal verb that means to cover or apply a layer of something onto an object or surface. It can also refer to the act of providing a person or animal with a coat or outer garment.
Synonyms for coat with include:
- Cover meaning in Bengali: আবৃতি করা
- Apply meaning in Bengali: প্রয়োগ করা
- Layer meaning in Bengali: স্তর
- Dress meaning in Bengali: পোশাক
Antonyms for coat with include:
- Expose meaning in Bengali: প্রকাশ করা
- Uncover meaning in Bengali: খোলা
- Strip meaning in Bengali: খোলা
The origin of the phrase coat with can be traced back to the Middle English word “cote” which means a long outer garment or cloak.
Nearby Words
- Coatroom (noun)
- Coatrack (noun)
- Coating (noun)
- Coated (adjective)
Coat with in Literature Quotes
“A smile is the best coat with which to dress oneself in every season.” – Oscar Wilde (একটি হাসি সব ঋতুতেই নিজেকে পোশাক করার জন্য সেরা কোট।)
“Kindness is a coat with many pockets.” – German Proverb (দয়া একটি কোট যা অনেকগুলি জিনিস ধারণ করে।)
Coat with Meaning in Different Languages
- Bengali: কোট
- Hindi: कोट
- Nepali: कोट
- Urdu: کوٹ
- Tamil: கோட்டு
- Telugu: కోట్
- Arabic: معطف
- Chinese: 外套
- Japanese: コート
- Russian: пальто
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