commissioned officer

Commissioned Officer Meaning in Bengali

Commissioned officer, কমিশনকৃত অফিসার, কমিশনকৃত কর্মকর্তা (noun, *komishonkrito officer, komishonkrito kormokorta*)

A commissioned officer is a military rank in which an individual holds a position of authority and responsibility. They are appointed by a higher authority and are granted a commission, which gives them the legal authority to command and lead military personnel.

Synonyms for commissioned officer include *officer*, *military officer*, *commander*, *captain*, and *lieutenant*. For more, you can find the meaning of *officer* in Bengali [here](, *military officer* [here]( officer), *commander* [here](, *captain* [here](, and *lieutenant* [here](

Antonyms for commissioned officer include *enlisted personnel*, *noncommissioned officer*, and *private*. The Bengali meanings of these antonyms are *সামরিক কর্মকর্তা* (*samarik kormokorta*), *অকমিশনকৃত অফিসার* (*okomishonkrito officer*), and *ব্যক্তিগত* (*byaktigoto*), respectively.

The term “commissioned officer” originated from the practice of granting a commission, or formal written authority, to individuals who were appointed to command military units. This practice dates back to ancient times and has evolved over centuries.

Nearby words related to commissioned officer include *command*, *rank*, *military*, *service*, and *uniform*. These words are respectively a verb, noun, adjective, noun, and noun.

In literature, commissioned officers are often portrayed as leaders and heroes. As Ernest Hemingway once said, “The only way to be a good officer is to lead by example.” (একটি ভাল অফিসার হওয়ার একটি মাত্র উপায় হলো উদাহরণের মাধ্যমে নেতৃত্ব করা)

Commissioned Officer Meaning in different languages:
– Bengali: কমিশনকৃত অফিসার
– Hindi: कमीशनदार अधिकारी
– Nepali: कमिशनदार अधिकारी
– Urdu: کمیشنڈ آفیسر
– Tamil: கமிஷன்ட் ஆஃபிசர்
– Telugu: కమిషన్డ్ ఆఫీసర్
– Arabic: ضابط معين
– Chinese: 委任官员
– Japanese: 委任された役人
– Russian: комиссионный офицер

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