
Accentual Meaning in Bengali

Meaning of Accentual in Bengali

Accentual meaning in Bengali – উচ্চারণসংক্রান্ত; উচ্চারণসংক্রান্ত বা উচ্চারণসংক্রান্ত বিষয়ক।

Part of Speech for Accentual

Accentual is an adjective.

Pronunciation of Accentual

Accentual is pronounced as /əkˈsɛn.tʃu.əl/.

Short Definition of Accentual

Accentual (adjective): Relating to pronunciation or stress.

Synonyms of Accentual

1. Stressful (তন্দ্রপূর্ণ)
2. Emphasized (জোরদার)
3. Intonational (স্বরবিশেষণ)
4. Rhythmic (তালবদ্ধ)
5. Cadenced (সুরবদ্ধ)

Antonyms of Accentual

1. Unstressed (অতন্দ্রপূর্ণ)
2. Unemphasized (অজোরদার)
3. Monotonous (একঘেরা)
4. Unrhythmic (অতালবদ্ধ)
5. Discordant (অসুরবদ্ধ)

Origin of Accentual

The word “accentual” originated from the Latin word “accentus,” which means “intonation” or “accent.” It entered the English language in the early 19th century.

Nearby Words for Accentual

1. Accentuate (জোর দেত্তয়া)
2. Accentuation (জোরদার করা)
3. Accent (উচ্চারণ)
4. Accented (উচ্চারিত)
5. Accentor (উচ্চারক)

Accentual in Literature Quotes

1. “Her accentual beauty mesmerized the audience during her performance.” – The Times

2. “The poet skillfully used accentual patterns to create a rhythmic flow in his verses.” – Poetry Magazine

3. “The professor explained the importance of accentual stress in understanding spoken language.” – Linguistics Journal

4. “The singer’s accentual phrasing added depth and emotion to the song.” – Music Review

1. Accentual Phrase (উচ্চারণসংক্রান্ত বাক্য)
2. Accentual Verse (উচ্চারণসংক্রান্ত ছন্দ)

Usage in American English

In American English, accentual refers to anything related to pronunciation or stress in speech or poetry.

Usage in British English

In British English, accentual is used to describe the pronunciation or stress patterns in words or phrases.

Meaning in Different Languages

Hindi: उच्चारणसंबंधी
Nepali: उच्चारणसंबंधी
Urdu: تلفظی
Tamil: முக்கிய முறையில்
Telugu: ఉచ్చారణ
Arabic: لهجة
Chinese: 重音的
Japanese: アクセントの
Russian: акцентуальный

For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Accent. You can also refer to and for further details.