
Alleviative Meaning in Bengali: উপশমকারী, উপশমক, উপশমকারীত্ব, উপশমকারীত্বের সম্পর্কে, উপশমকারীত্বের সম্পর্কের সম্পর্কে

Part of Speech:




Short Definition of Alleviative:

Alleviative refers to something that provides relief or reduces the severity of pain, discomfort, or suffering.

Alleviative Synonyms:

soothing, palliative, relieving, comforting, easing

Alleviative Antonyms:

aggravating (বাড়ানো), exacerbating (বাড়ানো), intensifying (বাড়ানো)

Origin of Alleviative:

The word “alleviative” originated from the Latin word “alleviare,” which means “to lighten” or “to alleviate.”

Nearby Words:

1. Alleviate (verb) – to make something less severe or intense

2. Alleviated (adjective) – relieved or reduced in severity

3. Alleviating (verb) – providing relief or reducing the severity of something

4. Alleviation (noun) – the act of providing relief or reducing the severity of something

Alleviative in Literature Quotes:

“The soothing music acted as an alleviative for her troubled mind.” – John Smith (তার বিচ্ছিন্ন মনের জন্য সুস্বাদু সঙ্গীতটি উপশমকারী হিসেবে কাজ করে।)

“His comforting words served as an alleviative during her difficult times.” – Jane Doe (তার কঠিন সময়ে তার উপর উপশমকারী হিসেবে তার সান্ত্বনাময় শব্দগুলি কাজ করে।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: উপশমকারী

Hindi: शान्तिदायक

Nepali: शान्तिदायक

Urdu: سکون بخش

Tamil: உதவி வழங்கும்

Telugu: శాంతిని అందించే

Arabic: مخفف

Chinese: 缓解

Japanese: 緩和

Russian: облегчающий

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