
Allied Meaning in Bengali: সংযুক্ত, সহযোগী, সম্পর্কিত

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: uh-lahyd

Short Definition: Allied refers to being joined or associated with others in a common cause or purpose.

Allied Synonyms: connected, related, associated, linked, affiliated

Allied Antonyms: separate (বিভক্ত), unrelated (অসম্পর্কিত), unconnected (অসংযুক্ত)

Origin: The word “allied” originated from the Middle English word “alyed” which means “joined by treaty or marriage.” It is derived from the Old French word “alié” and the Latin word “alligare” which means “to bind.”

Nearby Words:

Allied in Literature Quotes:

  • “United we stand, divided we fall.” (একতায় আমরা দাঁড়িয়ে থাকি, বিভক্ত হলে পুড়ে যাই।)
  • “In union, there is strength.” (ঐক্যে শক্তি আছে।)
  • “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” (একা আমরা খুব কিছু করতে পারি না; একসঙ্গে আমরা অনেক কিছু করতে পারি।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: সংযুক্ত
  • Hindi: संबद्ध
  • Nepali: संयुक्त
  • Urdu: متحد
  • Tamil: இணையப்படுத்தப்பட்ட
  • Telugu: సంబంధించిన
  • Arabic: متحالف
  • Chinese: 联盟的
  • Japanese: 同盟の
  • Russian: союзный

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