
Allinall Meaning in Bengali: সমগ্রতম, সমগ্রভূত, সর্বসম্মতি

Part of Speech:




Short Definition of Allinall:

Allinall refers to the entirety or the complete sum of something. It is used to describe a situation or a person that encompasses all aspects or represents the final conclusion.

Allinall Synonyms:

Overall, altogether, in sum, in total, in general, on the whole, in the end, ultimately

Allinall Antonyms:

Partial, incomplete, unfinished, inadequate, insufficient

Origin of Allinall:

The term “allinall” originated from the combination of the words “all” and “in all.” It is a phrase that has been used in the English language for many years to express the complete or final nature of something.

Nearby Words:

– Alligator (Noun)
Alliteration (Noun)
Allot (Verb)
Allow (Verb)
Alloy (Noun)
Allure (Verb)
Allusion (Noun)
– Ally (Noun)
Allurements (Noun)
– Alluvial (Adjective)

Allinall in Literature Quotes:

– “She was the allinall of his existence.” (তিনি তার বিদ্যমানের সমগ্রতা ছিলেন।)
– “The allinall of this story is that love conquers all.” (এই গল্পের সমগ্রতা হলো যে ভালোবাসা সবকিছুই জয় করে নেয়।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: সমগ্রতম
– Hindi: सबमेंसब
– Nepali: सबैमा सबैमा
– Urdu: سب کے سب
– Tamil: முழுமையான
– Telugu: అన్నివిధములు
– Arabic: الكل في الكل
– Chinese: 总的来说
– Japanese: 全体的に
– Russian: в целом

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