allium sativum

Allium sativum meaning in Bengali: রসুন, লসুন, নীলফুল রসুন।

Part of speech: Noun

Pronunciation: uh-lee-uhm suh-tahy-vuhm

Short definition: Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is a species in the onion genus. It is widely used as a flavoring agent in cooking and has several health benefits.

Allium sativum synonyms: garlic, stinking rose, ajo, ail, knoblauch, aglio, lehsun

Allium sativum antonyms: রসুন নয়, লসুন নয়

Origin of Allium sativum: The word “garlic” comes from Old English “garleac,” which means “spear leek.” It originated in Central Asia and has been cultivated for over 5,000 years.

Nearby words:

  • Onion (Noun)
  • Leek (Noun)
  • Shallot (Noun)
  • Chive (Noun)
  • Ramp (Noun)

Allium sativum in literature quotes:

  1. “Garlic is as good as ten mothers.” (রসুন দশটি মা যত্নির্ভর।)
  2. “A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat.” (একটি নিকেল আপনাকে সাবওয়ে নিয়ে যাবে, কিন্তু রসুন আপনাকে একটি আসন দেবে।)
  3. “Garlic is divine. Few food items can taste so many distinct ways, handled correctly. Misuse of garlic is a crime.” (রসুন দেবতার। সঠিকভাবে ব্যবহার করলে কয়েকটি খাদ্য আইটেম এত বিভিন্ন রস পাবে। রসুনের অপব্যবহার একটি অপরাধ।)

Meaning in different languages:

  • Bengali: রসুন
  • Hindi: लहसुन
  • Nepali: लसुन
  • Urdu: لہسن
  • Tamil: பூண்டு
  • Telugu: వెల్లుల్లి
  • Arabic: ثوم
  • Chinese: 大蒜
  • Japanese: ニンニク
  • Russian: чеснок

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