
Allopathic Meaning in Bengali : আলোপ্যাথিক অর্থ বাংলায় হলো আলোপ্যাথিক।

Part of Speech

Allopathic is an adjective.


The pronunciation of allopathic is uh-lop-uh-thik.

Short Definition of Allopathic

Allopathic refers to the conventional medical practice that treats diseases with remedies that produce effects different from those caused by the disease itself.

Allopathic Synonyms

Alternative words for allopathic include conventional, mainstream, orthodox, and traditional.

Allopathic Antonyms

Antonyms of allopathic are homeopathic (হোমিওপ্যাথিক) and naturopathic (ন্যাচুরোপ্যাথিক).

Origin of Allopathic

The term “allopathic” originated from the Greek words “allos” meaning “other” and “pathos” meaning “suffering.” It was coined by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, to differentiate conventional medicine from his own practice.

Nearby Words

Adjacent, adjoining, bordering, close, contiguous.

Allopathic in Literature Quotes

“The allopathic approach focuses on treating symptoms, while the homeopathic approach aims to address the root cause of the disease.” – আলোপ্যাথিক পদ্ধতি লক্ষ্য করে লক্ষণগুলি চিকিৎসা করে, যেখানে হোমিওপ্যাথিক পদ্ধতি রোগের মূল কারণ ঠিক করার চেষ্টা করে।

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: আলোপ্যাথিক, Hindi: एलोपैथिक, Nepali: एलोपैथिक, Urdu: الوپیتھک, Tamil: அல்லோபதிக், Telugu: అల్లోపతిక్, Arabic: الألوباثي, Chinese: 顺势疗法, Japanese: アロパシー, Russian: аллопатический.

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