
Alloy Meaning in Bengali: মিশ্রধাতু

Part of Speech:




Short Definition of Alloy:

An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals, or a metal combined with another element, to enhance its properties or create a new material with desired characteristics.

Alloy Synonyms:

Blend, Composite, Compound, Fusion, Mixture, Amalgam

Alloy Antonyms:

Pure, Unalloyed, Unmixed, Unadulterated, Uncombined – পরিশুদ্ধ, অমিশ্রিত, অমিশ্রিত, অপরিবর্তিত, অমিশ্রিত

Origin of Alloy:

The word “alloy” originated from the Old French word “aloi,” which means a mixture or metallic substance. It can be traced back to the Latin word “alligare,” which means to bind together.

Nearby Words:

Alloyed (Verb), Alloying (Verb), Alloyage (Noun), Alloyedness (Noun), Alloyist (Noun)

Alloy in Literature Quotes:

“Gold is a living god and rules, in scorn, all earthly things but virtue.” – Percy Bysshe Shelley (স্বর্ণ একটি জীবিত দেবতা এবং অবজ্ঞা করে সমস্ত পৃথিবীজাত বস্তুকে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে।)

“The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace, and the brightest thunderbolt is elicited from the darkest storm.” – Charles Caleb Colton (সর্বশুদ্ধ অয়স্ক সবচেয়ে গরম ভট্টিতে উৎপন্ন হয়, এবং সবচেয়ে উজ্জ্বল বজ্র সবচেয়ে অন্ধকার ঝড়ি থেকে উদ্ভূত হয়।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: মিশ্রধাতু, Hindi: मिश्रधातु, Nepali: मिश्रधातु, Urdu: مرکب دھات, Tamil: மிச்சமிடம், Telugu: మిశ్రధాతువు, Arabic: سبيكة, Chinese: 合金, Japanese: 合金, Russian: сплав

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