
Allurement Meaning in Bengali

Allurement meaning in Bengali can be translated into several words, including আকর্ষণ, প্রলোভন, মোহনীয়তা, আকর্ষণশীলতা, প্রলোভনশীলতা.

Part of Speech

Allurement is a noun.


The pronunciation of allurement is uh-loo r-muh nt.

Short Definition of Allurement

Allurement refers to the act of enticing or attracting someone, often through appealing qualities or promises.

Allurement Synonyms

Some synonyms of allurement include temptation, enticement, attraction, seduction, allure, charm, fascination, enchantment, and appeal.

Allurement Antonyms

Antonyms of allurement include repulsion (প্রতিস্পর্শ), aversion (অনিচ্ছা), indifference (অবহেলা), and revulsion (বিমুখতা).

Origin of Allurement

The word “allurement” originated from the Middle English word “alurement,” which came from the Old French word “alurement.” It is derived from the verb “alurer,” meaning “to attract” or “to entice.”

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to allurement include allure (noun), alluring (adjective), alluringly (adverb), allurements (plural noun), allurer (noun), and alluringness (noun).

Allurement in Literature Quotes

“The allurement of gold is too strong for the human heart to resist.” – Author Unknown (সোনার আকর্ষণটি মানুষের হৃদয়কে প্রতিস্থাপন করার জন্য অত্যন্ত শক্তিশালী।)

“Beauty is the allurement that wins the heart.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson (সৌন্দর্য হল সেই আকর্ষণ যা হৃদয় জিতে নেয়।)

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: আকর্ষণ, Hindi: प्रलोभन, Nepali: प्रलोभन, Urdu: پرلبھن, Tamil: மோகம், Telugu: ప్రలోభన, Arabic: إغراء, Chinese: 引诱, Japanese: 誘惑, Russian: соблазнение.


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