
Allurements Meaning in Bengali

Bengali meanings of allurements: আকর্ষণ, প্রলোভন, মোহনীয়তা, প্রলোভনসূচকতা

Part of speech: noun

Pronunciation: uh-loo r-muhnt

Short definition of allurements: Allurements refer to the action or process of enticing or attracting someone, often through appealing qualities or promises.

Allurements synonyms: temptations, enticements, seductions, attractions, charms

Allurements antonyms: repulsions (প্রতিস্পন্দন), aversions (প্রতিকূলতা), detractions (অপকৃষ্টতা)

Origin of allurements: The word “allurements” originated from the Middle English word “alurement,” which came from the Old French word “alurer,” meaning “to attract or entice.”

Nearby words: allure (verb), allurement (noun), alluring (adjective), alluringly (adverb)

Allurements in Literature Quotes:

“The allurements of power and fame can often lead people astray.” – John Smith (ক্ষমতা এবং খ্যাতির আকর্ষণ অনেকসময় মানুষকে ভ্রমণে নিয়ে যেতে পারে।)

“She was unable to resist the allurements of the luxurious lifestyle.” – Jane Doe (সে প্রাসাদময় জীবনযাপনের আকর্ষণে প্রতিবন্ধিত ছিলেন।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: আকর্ষণ

Hindi: प्रलोभन

Nepali: प्रलोभन

Urdu: پرلوبھن

Tamil: மோகனம்

Telugu: ప్రలోభనం

Arabic: إغراء

Chinese: 诱惑

Japanese: 誘惑

Russian: искушение

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