
Alluring Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the word “alluring” can be translated into several meanings: আকর্ষণমান, মোহনীয়, আকর্ষণজনক, মোহক, প্রলোভনকারী.

Part of Speech:

Alluring is an adjective.


The pronunciation of alluring is uh-loo-ring.

Short Definition of Alluring:

Alluring refers to something that is attractive, captivating, or enticing.

Alluring Synonyms:

Some synonyms of alluring include enticing, captivating, seductive, charming, and irresistible.

Alluring Antonyms:

Antonyms of alluring include unattractive (অপ্রাণভর্তন), repulsive (অপমানজনক), unappealing (অপ্রলোভনকারী), dull (মনোনীত), and uninviting (অআহ্বানকর).

Origin of Alluring:

The word “alluring” originated from the Middle English word “aluren,” which means to attract or entice. It can be traced back to the Old French word “alurer” and the Latin word “allūrāre.”

Nearby Words:

1. Allure (noun) – the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.

2. Allurement (noun) – the action of alluring or enticing someone.

3. Alluringly (adverb) – in a way that is attractive or enticing.

4. Allured (verb) – past tense of allure, meaning to attract or entice.

Alluring in Literature Quotes:

1. “Her alluring smile was like a magnet, drawing everyone towards her.” – John Smith (তার আকর্ষণমান হাসি একটি চুম্বকের মতো ছিল, সবাইকে তার দিকে আকর্ষণ করে আনছে।)

2. “The alluring beauty of the sunset left him speechless.” – Jane Doe (সূর্যাস্তের আকর্ষণমান সৌন্দর্য তাকে মুখতোলা করে দিল।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: আকর্ষণমান

Hindi: मोहक

Nepali: मोहनीय

Urdu: دلکش

Tamil: மகிழ்ச்சியான

Telugu: ఆకర్షకమైన

Arabic: جذاب

Chinese: 迷人的

Japanese: 魅力的な

Russian: обольстительный

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