
Allusions Meaning in Bengali

Bengali: অলঙ্কার, আলঙ্কারিক উপসংহার, আলঙ্কারিক উল্লেখ, আলঙ্কারিক সূচনা

Part of Speech:




Short Definition of Allusions:

Allusions refer to indirect or passing references made to a person, place, event, or work of art. They are often used to enhance the meaning or depth of a text by drawing upon the reader’s knowledge or familiarity with the referenced subject.

Allusions Synonyms:

References, mentions, citations, quotations, nods, hints

Allusions Antonyms:

Explicit statements, direct references, clear descriptions

Bengali Antonyms: স্পষ্ট বিবরণ, সরাসরি উল্লেখ, পরিষ্কার বর্ণনা

Origin of Allusions:

The word “allusion” originated from the Latin word “allusio,” which means “a playing with.” It entered the English language in the mid-16th century.

Nearby Words:

1. Allure (Verb)

2. Alluring (Adjective)

3. Alluvial (Adjective)

4. Alluvium (Noun)

5. Ally (Noun)

Allusions in Literature Quotes:

“To be, or not to be: that is the question.” – William Shakespeare

Bengali Meaning: “থাকবো কি, না থাকবো কি: এটা হলো প্রশ্ন।”

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” – Charles Dickens

Bengali Meaning: “এটা ছিল সময়ের সবচেয়ে ভালো সময়, এটা ছিল সময়ের সবচেয়ে খারাপ সময়।”

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: অলঙ্কার

Hindi: अलंकार

Nepali: अलंकार

Urdu: النکار

Tamil: அலங்காரம்

Telugu: అలంకారం

Arabic: الإشارات

Chinese: 暗示

Japanese: 典拠

Russian: аллюзии

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