
Ananta Meaning in Bengali: অনন্ত

Part of Speech:




Short Definition of Ananta:

Ananta is a Bengali word that means “endless” or “infinite.” It is derived from the Sanskrit word “ananta,” which has the same meaning.

Ananta Synonyms:

1. অক্ষয় (akshay) – Noun

2. অপরিমিত (aparimita) – Adjective

3. অবিচ্ছেদ্য (avichchedya) – Adjective


1. সীমাবদ্ধ (simabaddha) – Adjective (Bengali meaning: limited)

2. সংকোচিত (sankochito) – Adjective (Bengali meaning: contracted)

3. সংকুচিত (sankuchito) – Adjective (Bengali meaning: compressed)

Origin of Ananta:

The word “ananta” originated from the Sanskrit language, where it means “endless” or “infinite.” It has been adopted into various languages, including Bengali, with the same meaning.

Nearby Words:

1. অনন্য (ananya) – Adjective (unique)

2. অনন্যতা (ananyata) – Noun (uniqueness)

3. অনন্যপ্রিয় (ananyapriyo) – Adjective (beloved)

Ananta in Literature Quotes:

1. “The possibilities are endless.” (সম্ভাবনাগুলি অনন্ত।)

2. “Love knows no bounds.” (ভালোবাসা সীমাহীন।)

3. “Her beauty is infinite.” (তার সৌন্দর্য অনন্ত।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: অনন্ত

Hindi: अनंत

Nepali: अनन्त

Urdu: اننت

Tamil: அநந்த

Telugu: అనంత

Arabic: لا نهاية له

Chinese: 无尽 (wújìn)

Japanese: 無限 (mugen)

Russian: бесконечный (beskonechnyy)

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By providing the meaning, part of speech, pronunciation, synonyms, antonyms, origin, nearby words, literary quotes, and translations in different languages, this article aims to give a comprehensive understanding of the word “ananta” in English.