
Anemone Meaning in Bengali: শতপাদী

Part of Speech:




Short Definition of Anemone:

Anemone refers to a type of flowering plant that belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. It is characterized by colorful and delicate flowers with a central disk surrounded by petal-like structures. Anemones are commonly found in temperate regions and are known for their beauty and ornamental value.

Anemone Synonyms:

1. Windflower (বাতাসফুল)
2. Pasqueflower (পাস্কফুল)
3. Thimbleweed (থিম্বলওইড)
4. Smellfox (গন্ধলবণ্ট)
5. Crowfoot (ক্রোফুট)

Anemone Antonyms:

1. Rose (গোলাপ)
2. Lily (শপচালী)
3. Sunflower (সূর্যমুখী)
4. Tulip (টিউলিপ)
5. Orchid (অর্কিড)

Origin of Anemone:

The word “anemone” is derived from the Greek word “anemos,” meaning wind. This is because the delicate flowers of the anemone sway and flutter in the wind. The plant has a long history and has been mentioned in various ancient mythologies and folklore.

Nearby Words:

1. Anemia (Noun)
2. Anemic (Adjective)
3. Anemometer (Noun)
4. Anemophilous (Adjective)
5. Anesthesia (Noun)

Anemone in Literature Quotes:

1. “The anemone whispers to the passing breeze, spreading its delicate petals like a secret.” (শতপাদী গুমফল প্রবাহিত বাতাসের মত আলাপ করে, গোপনের মত তার নরম পাতাগুলি ছড়িয়ে দেয়।)
2. “In the meadow, the anemone dances with joy, painting the landscape with its vibrant colors.” (মেদোবৃন্তে, শতপাদী আনন্দে নাচে, তার জীবন্ত রঙে পরিবেশ চিত্রিত করে।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: শতপাদী
– Hindi: शतपदी
– Nepali: शतपदी
– Urdu: شتپدی
– Tamil: அனேமோன்
– Telugu: అనేమోనే
– Arabic: الأنيمون
– Chinese: 银莲花
– Japanese: アネモネ
– Russian: анемона

For more detailed information about anemone, you can visit the following sources:
– Wikipedia:
– The Free Dictionary: