Arab Meaning in Bengali
Bengali Meaning of Arab
1. আরব (noun)
2. আরবী (adjective)
3. আরবি ভাষা (noun)
4. আরবি লিপি (noun)
5. আরবি সংস্কৃতি (noun)
Part of Speech
Noun, adjective
Arab: /ˈærəb/
Short Definition of Arab
Arab refers to a member of the Semitic people inhabiting the Arabian Peninsula and other regions of the Middle East and North Africa. It can also refer to the Arabic language or anything related to Arab culture.
Arab Synonyms
1. Arabian (আরবী)
2. Bedouin (বেদুইন)
3. Arab-speaking (আরবি ভাষা ব্যবহার করা)
4. Semitic (শেমিটিক)
5. Middle Eastern (মধ্যপূর্বী)
Arab Antonyms
1. Non-Arab (অ-আরব)
2. Foreigner (বিদেশি)
3. Outsider (বাইরের ব্যক্তি)
4. Alien (পরদেশী)
5. Stranger (অপরিচিত)
Origin of Arab
The term “Arab” originated from the Arabic word “ʿarab” which means “nomad” or “desert dweller.” It refers to the indigenous people of the Arabian Peninsula who were known for their nomadic lifestyle.
Nearby Words
1. Arabian (adjective)
2. Arabic (adjective)
3. Arable (adjective)
4. Arachnid (noun)
5. Arachnophobia (noun)
Arab in Literature Quotes
1. “The desert is an ocean in which no oar is dipped.” – মরুভূমি একটি সমুদ্র, যেখানে কোনও চাপু ডুবানো হয় না।
2. “The Arab is a noble savage.” – আরব একটি উচ্চ সভ্য জঙ্গলী।
3. “The Arab is a horseman and a poet.” – আরব একজন ঘোড়াচারী এবং কবি।
Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: আরব
Hindi: अरब
Nepali: अरब
Urdu: عرب
Tamil: அரபு
Telugu: అరబ్
Arabic: عربي
Chinese: 阿拉伯
Japanese: アラブ
Russian: арабский
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