Assyrian Meaning in Bengali
Assyrian: আশুরিয়ান (āśuriẏān)
Part of Speech:
Short Definition of Assyrian:
Assyrian refers to a member of an ancient Semitic people who lived in Assyria, a region in Mesopotamia. They had a significant impact on the history, culture, and language of the ancient Near East.
Assyrian Synonyms:
1. Babylonian – বাবিলোনিয়ান (bābilōniẏān)
2. Chaldean – কাল্দিয়ান (kāldiẏān)
3. Mesopotamian – মেসোপটামিয়ান (mesōpaṭāmiẏān)
4. Sumerian – সুমেরীয় (sumerīẏa)
5. Akkadian – আক্কাদীয় (akkādīẏa)
Assyrian Antonyms:
1. Persian – পার্সী (pārsī)
2. Greek – গ্রিক (grik)
3. Roman – রোমান (rōmān)
4. Egyptian – মিশরীয় (miśrīẏa)
5. Hebrew – হিব্রু (hibrū)
Origin of Assyrian:
The Assyrians originated from the ancient city-state of Ashur in northern Mesopotamia. They established a powerful empire that lasted from the 25th century BCE until the fall of Nineveh in 612 BCE.
Nearby Words:
1. Assyriology – Noun
2. Assyriologist – Noun
3. Assyriological – Adjective
4. Assyriologists – Noun
5. Assyriologies – Noun
Assyrian in Literature Quotes:
1. “The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold.” – আশুরিয়ানটি যেন ভেড়ার মত পড়ে নেমেছিল।
2. “The mighty Assyrian empire crumbled under the weight of its own corruption.” – শক্তিশালী আশুরিয়ান সাম্রাজ্য নিজের দুর্নীতির ভারে পুড়ে গেল।
Meaning in Different Languages:
Bengali: আশুরিয়ান (āśuriẏān)
Hindi: अश्शुरियन (aśśuriyan)
Nepali: अस्स्य्रियन (assyrīan)
Urdu: اشوری (ashuri)
Tamil: அச்சுரியன் (accuriyan)
Telugu: అస్స్య్రియన్ (assyrian)
Arabic: آشوري (āshūrī)
Chinese: 亚述 (yàshù)
Japanese: アッシリア人 (asshiria-jin)
Russian: ассириец (assiriec)
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