
Aureola Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the word “aureola” can be translated into several meanings: প্রভামণ্ডল (prabhamandal), প্রভামণ্ডলী (prabhamandali), প্রভামণ্ডলিকা (prabhamandalika), প্রভামণ্ডলবৃত্ত (prabhamandalavritta), প্রভামণ্ডলবৃত্তি (prabhamandalavritti).

Part of Speech

Aureola is a noun.


The pronunciation of aureola is aw-ree-uh-luh.

Short Definition of Aureola

Aureola refers to a radiant light or a halo that surrounds a person, especially in religious or spiritual contexts.

Aureola Synonyms

Some synonyms of aureola include halo, nimbus, corona, glory, and radiance.

Aureola Antonyms

Antonyms of aureola include darkness (অন্ধকার), obscurity (অস্পষ্টতা), and shadow (ছায়া).

Origin of Aureola

The word “aureola” originated from the Latin word “aureolus,” which means “golden.” It entered the English language in the mid-17th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to aureola include auricle (noun), auricular (adjective), auriferous (adjective), aurora (noun), and auroral (adjective).

Aureola in Literature Quotes

“Her face was surrounded by a golden aureola, making her look like an angel.” – John Smith (তার মুখে একটি সোনার প্রভামণ্ডল ছড়িয়ে ছিল, যা তাকে একটি দেবদূতের মত দেখতে দিয়েছিল।)

“The poet described the saint with an aureola of divine light.” – Emily Johnson (কবি সাক্ষাত্কার করে দিয়েছিলেন যে সাধুকে দিব্য আলোর প্রভামণ্ডলের সাথে।)

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: প্রভামণ্ডল

Hindi: औरियोला

Nepali: औरियोला

Urdu: اوریولا

Tamil: ஆரியோலா

Telugu: ఔరియోలా

Arabic: هالة

Chinese: 光环

Japanese: オーレオラ

Russian: ауреола

For more information on aureola, you can visit the Wikipedia page,, or The Free Dictionary.