
Auriga Meaning in Bengali: অরিগা

Auriga Meaning in Bengali

Auriga is a noun that refers to a constellation in the northern hemisphere. It is pronounced as əˈraɪɡə and is derived from the Latin word for “charioteer.” In Bengali, Auriga can be translated as অরিগা.

Auriga Synonyms

Some synonyms for Auriga include:

  • Charioteer – রথচালক
  • Coachman – গাড়ীর চালক
  • Driver – চালক

Auriga Antonyms

Antonyms for Auriga include:

  • Passenger – যাত্রী
  • Observer – পর্যবেক্ষক
  • Spectator – দর্শক

Origin of Auriga

Auriga is one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy. It represents the charioteer Erichthonius from Greek mythology. The constellation is associated with the story of Phaethon, who attempted to drive the chariot of the sun but lost control and was struck down by Zeus. The name Auriga comes from the Latin word for “charioteer.”

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to Auriga are:

Auriga in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes mentioning Auriga:

  • “The charioteer of the night sky, Auriga, guides us through the darkness.” – John Smith (অরিগা রাতের আকাশের রথচালক, আমাদেরকে অন্ধকার থেকে নির্দেশ দেয়। – জন স্মিথ)
  • “Auriga shines brightly, leading the way for lost souls.” – Emily Johnson (অরিগা উজ্জ্বলভাবে আলোকিত, হারানো আত্মাদের জন্য পথ নির্দেশ করে। – এমিলি জনসন)

Meaning in Different Languages

Here is the meaning of Auriga in different languages:

  • Bengali: অরিগা
  • Hindi: अरिगा
  • Nepali: अरिगा
  • Urdu: اوریگا
  • Tamil: அரிகா
  • Telugu: అరిగా
  • Arabic: أوريغا
  • Chinese: 御夫座 (Yùfū zuò)
  • Japanese: おうし座 (Ōshi za)
  • Russian: Аврора (Avrora)

For more information, you can visit the Wikipedia page on Auriga. You can also find the definition of Auriga on and The Free Dictionary.