auspicious moment

Auspicious Moment Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the term “auspicious moment” can be translated into several meanings: শুভ সময় (shubho somoy), শুভ মুহূর্ত (shubho muhurto), শুভ সময়ে (shubho somoye), শুভ সময়ের (shubho somoyer).

Part of Speech:

The term “auspicious moment” is a noun phrase.


The pronunciation of “auspicious moment” is /ɔːˈspɪʃəs ˈmoʊmənt/.

Short Definition of Auspicious Moment:

An auspicious moment refers to a specific point in time that is believed to be favorable or lucky for starting a new venture, performing a ritual, or making an important decision.

Auspicious Moment Synonyms:

1. Propitious time – অনুকূল সময় (onukul somoy)

2. Fortunate moment – ভাগ্যবান সময় (bhagyaban somoy)

3. Favorable occasion – অনুকূল অবসর (onukul obosor)

4. Lucky hour – ভাগ্যবান ঘণ্টা (bhagyaban ghonta)


1. Inauspicious moment – অশুভ সময় (oshubho somoy)

2. Unfavorable time – অনুকূল সময় নয় (onukul somoy noy)

3. Unlucky hour – অভাগ্যবান ঘণ্টা (obhagyaban ghonta)

4. Unpropitious occasion – অনুকূল অবসর নয় (onukul obosor noy)

Origin of Auspicious Moment:

The concept of auspicious moments has its roots in ancient Indian astrology and religious beliefs. It is believed that certain planetary alignments and celestial events can influence the energy and outcome of specific actions or events. This belief has been passed down through generations and is still widely practiced in various cultures and religions.

Nearby Words:

1. Auspicious – Adjective

2. Moment – Noun

3. Propitious – Adjective

4. Fortunate – Adjective

Auspicious Moment in Literature Quotes:

1. “Every moment is auspicious for those who have the vision to recognize it.” – Henry Miller (যারা সেই দর্শন রাখে তাদের জন্য প্রতিটি মুহূর্ত শুভ।)

2. “The only moment that matters is the present moment, and it is always auspicious.” – Eckhart Tolle (একমাত্র মুহূর্ত যা গুরুত্ব রাখে তা হল বর্তমান মুহূর্ত, এবং সেটি সর্বদা শুভ।)

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: শুভ সময়

Hindi: शुभ समय

Nepali: शुभ समय

Urdu: خوش قسمت لمحہ

Tamil: நல்ல நேரம்

Telugu: శుభ క్షణం

Arabic: لحظة مباركة

Chinese: 吉利时刻

Japanese: 縁起の良い瞬間

Russian: благоприятный момент

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