
Auspiciousness Meaning in Bengali

Auspiciousness, or “শুভতা” (shubhota) in Bengali, is a noun that refers to the quality of being auspicious or favorable. It is pronounced as “aw-spish-uhs-ness”.

Short Definition of Auspiciousness

Auspiciousness is the state of being fortunate, propitious, or bringing good luck. It is associated with positive events, circumstances, or omens that are believed to bring success, happiness, and prosperity.

Synonyms of Auspiciousness

Some synonyms of auspiciousness include:

  • Propitiousness – অনুকূলতা (anukultā)
  • Favorableness – অনুকূলতা (anukultā)
  • Fortunateness – ভাগ্যবানতা (bhāgyabānatā)
  • Good fortune – ভাগ্য (bhāgya)
  • Luckiness – ভাগ্যবানতা (bhāgyabānatā)

Antonyms of Auspiciousness

Some antonyms of auspiciousness include:

  • Inauspiciousness – অশুভতা (aśubhota)
  • Unfavorableness – অপকারকতা (apakārakatā)
  • Misfortune – দুর্ভাগ্য (durbhāgya)
  • Bad luck – দুর্ভাগ্য (durbhāgya)
  • Unluckiness – দুর্ভাগ্য (durbhāgya)

Origin of Auspiciousness

The word “auspiciousness” originated from the Latin word “auspex,” which means “one who looks at birds.” In ancient Rome, it was believed that the flight patterns and behavior of birds could predict the future. Over time, the term evolved to encompass the broader concept of favorable signs and omens.

Nearby Words

Some words related to auspiciousness include:

  • Auspicious – Adjective (শুভ, shubh)
  • Auspiciously – Adverb (শুভক্ষণে, shubhakṣaṇe)
  • Auspice – Noun (শুভসংকেত, shubhasaṅkēta)
  • Auspices – Noun (শুভসংকেত, shubhasaṅkēta)
  • Auspicate – Verb (শুভসংকেত দেখানো, shubhasaṅkēta dēkhānō)

Auspiciousness in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes about auspiciousness:

  • “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker (ভবিষ্যত পূর্ববর্তী করার সবচেয়ে ভালো উপায় হলো তা নিজেই সৃষ্টি করা।)
  • “Every day is a new beginning, take a deep breath and start again.” – Unknown (প্রতিদিন একটি নতুন শুরু, গভীর শ্বাস নিয়ে আবার শুরু করুন।)
  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill (সাফল্য চূড়ান্ত নয়, ব্যর্থতা মৃত্যুবত্তি নয়: চলার সাহসই গণনা করে।)

Meaning in Different Languages

The meaning of “auspiciousness” in different languages:

  • Bengali: শুভতা (shubhota)
  • Hindi: शुभता (śubhatā)
  • Nepali: शुभता (śubhatā)
  • Urdu: خوش قسمتی (khush qismati)
  • Tamil: நல்ல பலன் (nalla palan)
  • Telugu: శుభము (śubhamu)
  • Arabic: حظ سعيد (haẓ saeid)
  • Chinese: 吉祥 (jíxiáng)
  • Japanese: 縁起の良さ (engi no yosa)
  • Russian: благополучие (blagopoluchie)

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