
Austerities Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the word “austerities” can be translated into several meanings: তপস্যা, তপস্যার ক্রিয়া, তপস্যার ব্যবস্থা, তপস্যার ব্যাপারে সংক্ষেপে, তপস্যার ব্যাপারে সংক্ষেপেই।

Part of Speech

The part of speech for “austerities” is a noun.


The pronunciation of “austerities” is aw-STER-i-tees.

Short Definition of Austerities

Austerities refer to the practice of strict self-discipline and self-denial, often for religious or spiritual purposes.

Austerities Synonyms

Some synonyms for “austerities” include asceticism, self-discipline, self-denial, abstinence, and rigors.

Austerities Antonyms

Antonyms for “austerities” include indulgence (আনন্দ), luxury (সুখ), pleasure (আনন্দ), comfort (সুখ), and self-gratification (স্বতস্ফূর্তি).

Origin of Austerities

The word “austerities” originated from the Latin word “austeritas,” which means severity or harshness. It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “austerities” include austerity (noun), austere (adjective), austerely (adverb), and austereness (noun).

Austerities in Literature Quotes

“The path of austerities is not easy, but it leads to enlightenment.” – Gautama Buddha (তপস্যার পথটি সহজ নয়, তবে এটি বোধিসত্ত্বের দিকে নিয়ে যায়।)

“Through austerities, one can attain spiritual liberation.” – Swami Vivekananda (তপস্যার মাধ্যমে মানসিক মুক্তি অর্জন করা যায়।)

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: তপস্যা, Hindi: तपस्या, Nepali: तपस्या, Urdu: تپسیا, Tamil: பரிசுத்தம், Telugu: తపస్య, Arabic: تقشف, Chinese: 苦行, Japanese: 禁欲, Russian: аскетизм.


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