
পিঠ ব্যথা (noun, /ˈbæk.eɪk/)


Backaches refer to the pain or discomfort experienced in the back, particularly in the lower or upper regions. It can range from mild to severe and may be caused by various factors such as muscle strain, poor posture, injury, or underlying medical conditions.


1. Pain (ব্যথা) – noun
2. Discomfort (অসুবিধা) – noun
3. Soreness (ব্যথা) – noun
4. Ache (ব্যথা) – noun
5. Agony (ব্যথা) – noun


1. Relief (সাহায্য) – noun
2. Comfort (সুবিধা) – noun
3. Ease (সুবিধা) – noun
4. Pleasure (আনন্দ) – noun
5. Delight (আনন্দ) – noun


The term “backache” originated from the combination of the words “back” and “ache.” It has been in use since the late 19th century.

Nearby Words

1. Back (noun) – পিঠ
2. Pain (noun) – ব্যথা
3. Discomfort (noun) – অসুবিধা
4. Muscle (noun) – পেশী
5. Strain (noun) – চাপ

Backaches in Literature Quotes

1. “The pain in my back was unbearable, as if a thousand needles were piercing through my spine.” – John Doe (আমার পিঠের ব্যথা অসহ্য ছিল, যেন হাজার সুই আমার কাঠামোগুলি ছেদন করছে।)
2. “I could hardly move due to the excruciating backache that plagued me for days.” – Jane Smith (আমি কয়েক দিন ধরে আমার পিঠের অত্যন্ত ব্যথা দেখিয়ে আমি প্রায় চলতে পারছিলাম না।)

Backaches Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: পিঠ ব্যথা
Hindi: पीठ दर्द
Nepali: पिठ दुखाउनु
Urdu: کمر درد
Tamil: முதுகு வலி
Telugu: వెన్నెల నొప్పి
Arabic: آلام الظهر
Chinese: 背痛
Japanese: 背中の痛み
Russian: боль в спине

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