
Badness Meaning in Bengali: খারাপমন্দতা, মন্দতা, অপকারকতা, অপকারজনকতা (noun, pronunciation: bædnəs)

Definition of Badness

Badness refers to the quality or state of being bad or of poor quality. It is the opposite of goodness and is often associated with negative or undesirable characteristics.

Synonyms of Badness

Some synonyms of badness include:

  • Evilness (মন্দতা)
  • Wickedness (অপকারকতা)
  • Malice (অপকারজনকতা)
  • Corruption (দুর্নীতি)
  • Vileness (মন্দতা)

Antonyms of Badness

Some antonyms of badness include:

  • Goodness (ভালোত্ব)
  • Kindness (দয়া)
  • Virtue (গুণ)
  • Excellence (উত্কৃষ্টতা)
  • Righteousness (ধর্মপ্রাণিত্য)

Origin of Badness

The word badness originated from the Middle English word badnesse, which is derived from the Old English word bædnes. It is related to the adjective bad and the noun bad.

Nearby Words

Some words related to badness include:

  • Badly (adverb)
  • Badminton (noun)
  • Badger (noun)
  • Badmash (noun)
  • Badmouth (verb)

Badness in Literature Quotes

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of badness is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke (খারাপমন্দতার জয়ের জন্য শুধুমাত্র ভাল লোকরা কিছুই না করলেই যথেষ্ট।)”

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Martin Luther King Jr. (শেষে, আমরা শত্রুদের কথাগুলি নয়, বন্ধুদের চুপিতে থাকাকে মনে রাখব।)”

Badness Meaning in Different Languages

The meaning of badness in different languages:

  • Bengali: খারাপমন্দতা
  • Hindi: बुराई
  • Nepali: खराबी
  • Urdu: بدی
  • Tamil: தீமை
  • Telugu: చెడునీటి
  • Arabic: سوء
  • Chinese: 坏事
  • Japanese: 悪さ
  • Russian: плохость

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