
Badnews Meaning in Bengali: খারাপ খবর, মন্দ খবর, অপশকুন, অশুভ সংবাদ (noun, pronunciation: bædˈnjuːz)

Definition of Badnews

Badnews refers to information or news that is negative, unpleasant, or unfortunate. It is often used to describe situations, events, or developments that are disheartening, distressing, or discouraging. The term can also be used to describe a person who brings or spreads negative news or has a pessimistic outlook.

Synonyms of Badnews

1. Misfortune (দুর্ভাগ্য, noun)
2. Calamity (বিপর্যয়, noun)
3. Disaster (বিপর্যয়, noun)
4. Adversity (প্রতিকূলতা, noun)
5. Tragedy (বিপর্যয়, noun)

Antonyms of Badnews

1. Good news (ভালো খবর, noun)
2. Fortune (ভাগ্য, noun)
3. Success (সাফল্য, noun)
4. Happiness (সুখ, noun)
5. Blessing (আশীর্বাদ, noun)

Origin of Badnews

The term badnews originated from the combination of the words “bad” and “news.” The word “bad” comes from the Old English word “bæddel,” meaning “inferior” or “unfit.” The word “news” comes from the Middle English word “newes,” which means “tidings” or “information.” The term has been in use since the late 14th century.

Nearby Words

1. Badmouth (verb)
2. Badly (adverb)
3. Badger (noun)
4. Badger (verb)
5. Badge (noun)

Badnews in Literature Quotes

1. “Bad news travels fast.” – Gabriel Garcia Marquez (খারাপ খবর দ্রুত প্রচারিত হয়।)
2. “In bad news lies the seed of opportunity.” – Robert Kiyosaki (খারাপ খবরে সুযোগের বীজ আছে।)
3. “Bad news isn’t wine. It doesn’t improve with age.” – Colin Powell (খারাপ খবর যেমন বয়সের সাথে উন্নত হয় না।)

Badnews Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: খারাপ খবর
Hindi: बुरी खबर
Nepali: खराब समाचार
Urdu: بری خبر
Tamil: தீமையான சொல்லு
Telugu: చెడు వార్తలు
Arabic: أخبار سيئة
Chinese: 坏消息
Japanese: 悪いニュース
Russian: плохие новости

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