balanced diet

Balanced Diet Meaning in Bengali

সমতল খাবারের অর্থ (noun, pronunciation: shomotol khaborer ortho), সমতল খাবারের পরিভাষা (noun, pronunciation: shomotol khaborer poribhasha), সমতল খাবারের অর্থ (noun, pronunciation: shomotol khaborer ortho)

Definition of Balanced Diet

A balanced diet refers to a diet that contains all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in the right proportions to maintain good health and prevent nutritional deficiencies. It includes a variety of foods from different food groups, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy products.

Balanced Diet Synonyms

1. Nutritious diet (noun, pronunciation: noytritios diet)

2. Healthy diet (noun, pronunciation: helthy diet)

3. Well-balanced diet (noun, pronunciation: wel-balanced diet)

4. Wholesome diet (noun, pronunciation: holsom diet)

5. Nourishing diet (noun, pronunciation: nourishing diet)

Balanced Diet Antonyms

1. Unhealthy diet (noun, pronunciation: unhelthy diet) – অস্বাস্থ্যকর খাবার

2. Imbalanced diet (noun, pronunciation: imbalansed diet) – অসমতল খাবার

3. Malnourished diet (noun, pronunciation: molnourished diet) – খাদ্যহীন খাবার

4. Unbalanced diet (noun, pronunciation: unbalansed diet) – অসমতল খাবার

5. Poor diet (noun, pronunciation: poor diet) – খারাপ খাবার

Origin of Balanced Diet

The concept of a balanced diet originated from the understanding that the human body requires a variety of nutrients to function optimally. It has been developed through scientific research and nutritional studies to ensure that individuals receive the necessary nutrients for their overall well-being.

Nearby Words

1. Nutrition (noun) – পুষ্টি

2. Health (noun) – স্বাস্থ্য

3. Diet (noun) – খাদ্য

4. Nutrients (noun) – পুষ্টিতত্ত্ব

5. Balanced (adjective) – সমতল

Balanced Diet in Literature Quotes

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates (খাবারই তোমার ঔষধ এবং ঔষধ হোক তোমার খাবার।)

Balanced Diet Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: সমতল খাবার

Hindi: संतुलित आहार

Nepali: सन्तुलित खाना

Urdu: متوازن غذا

Tamil: நிரப்பப்பட்ட உணவு

Telugu: సమతుల్యంగా ఆహారం

Arabic: نظام غذائي متوازن

Chinese: 均衡饮食

Japanese: バランスの取れた食事

Russian: сбалансированное питание

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