bald headed

Bald Headed Meaning in Bengali: নির্জনমূলক, নির্জনমূলক মাথা, নির্জনমূলক মুণ্ডা (noun, pronunciation: bôld héd-id)

Definition of Bald Headed

Bald headed refers to a person who has little or no hair on their head. It is a noun used to describe the physical appearance of someone who is completely or partially bald.

Synonyms of Bald Headed

1. Hairless (চুল হিন্নতায় বা নির্জনমূলক)
2. Shaved (মুণ্ডিত)
3. Smooth-headed (মুণ্ডা মাথা)
4. Chrome dome (ক্রোম ডোম)

Antonyms of Bald Headed

1. Hairy (চুলযুক্ত)
2. Hirsute (চুলযুক্ত)
3. Hirsutism (চুলযুক্ত হওয়া)
4. Tressed (চুলযুক্ত)

Origin of Bald Headed

The term “bald headed” originated from the combination of the word “bald,” meaning without hair, and “headed,” referring to the head. It has been used in the English language for centuries to describe individuals who lack hair on their heads.

Nearby Words

1. Bald (adjective)
2. Baldness (noun)
3. Baldly (adverb)
4. Baldpate (noun)

Bald Headed in Literature Quotes

1. “He was a bald-headed man with a kind smile.” – John Smith (সে একজন নির্জনমূলক মাথা সহ একজন মানুষ ছিলেন যিনি একটি সদুমুখের সাথে ছিলেন)
2. “The bald-headed eagle soared through the sky.” – Jane Doe (নির্জনমূলক মাথা সহ একটি মুণ্ডা চিল আকাশে উড়ে গেলেন)

Bald Headed Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: নির্জনমূলক
Hindi: गंजा सिर
Nepali: गंजा सिर
Urdu: بالڈ سر
Tamil: பழைய தலை
Telugu: బాల్డ్ తల
Arabic: رأس أصلع
Chinese: 秃头
Japanese: はげ頭
Russian: лысая голова

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