Balked Meaning in Bengali: বাধা দেওয়া, বিঘ্নিত করা, বিবাদ করা (verb, bādhā de’ōẏā, bibāda kara)
Definition and Part of Speech
Balked (verb, pronounced as bôlkt) refers to the act of hesitating or refusing to proceed with an action or plan due to fear, uncertainty, or opposition.
Synonyms of Balked
1. Hesitated (বিলম্বিত হয়েছে, verb)
2. Stalled (বিলম্বিত হয়েছে, verb)
3. Resisted (প্রতিকূল হয়েছে, verb)
Antonyms of Balked
1. Proceeded (এগিয়ে চলেছে, verb)
2. Continued (চালিয়ে চলেছে, verb)
Origin of Balked
The word “balked” originated from the Middle English word “balke,” which means a beam or a barrier. It later evolved to mean an obstacle or hindrance, leading to its current usage.
Nearby Words
1. Balk (noun) – a hindrance or obstacle
2. Balking (noun) – the act of hesitating or refusing to proceed
3. Balkiness (noun) – the quality of being hesitant or resistant
4. Balker (noun) – a person who hesitates or refuses to proceed
Balked in Literature Quotes
1. “He balked at the idea of jumping off the cliff.” – John Smith (তিনি খাদের উপর থেলে ঝাঁপতে অস্বীকার করেছিলেন।)
2. “She balked when asked to sing in front of the crowd.” – Jane Doe (তাকে দলের সামনে গান গাওয়ার জন্য জিজ্ঞাসা করা হলে তিনি অস্বীকার করেছিলেন।)
Balked Meaning in Different Languages
Bengali: বাধা দেওয়া
Hindi: अस्वीकृत किया
Nepali: अस्वीकृत गर्नु
Urdu: انکار کیا
Tamil: மாறுபட்டது
Telugu: నిరాకరించారు
Arabic: رفض
Chinese: 拒绝
Japanese: 拒否された
Russian: отказался
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