
Balks Meaning in Bengali: বাধা, বিঘ্ন, অস্বীকার, বিচ্ছেদ (noun, pronunciation: bôlks)

Definition and Part of Speech

Balks is a noun that refers to obstacles or hindrances that prevent progress or success. It can also mean a refusal to proceed or an unwillingness to accept or comply with something.

Synonyms of Balks

Some synonyms of balks include:

  • Obstacles (বাধা)
  • Hindrances (বিঘ্ন)
  • Impediments (অস্বীকার)
  • Barriers (বিচ্ছেদ)

Antonyms of Balks

Some antonyms of balks are:

  • Assistance (সহায়তা)
  • Support (সমর্থন)
  • Cooperation (সহযোগিতা)
  • Acceptance (স্বীকার)

Origin of Balks

The word balks originated from the Old English word “balca,” which means a ridge of land left unplowed. It later evolved to refer to any obstacle or hindrance.

Nearby Words

Some words related to balks are:

  • Block (noun)
  • Impede (verb)
  • Thwart (verb)
  • Obstruct (verb)

Balks in Literature Quotes

Here are some quotes from literature that include the word balks:

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill (সাফল্য চূড়ান্ত নয়, ব্যর্থতা মৃত্যুবশতি নয়: এটি যে সাহস চেষ্টা করা হয় তা গণনা করে)

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs (মহান কাজ করার একমাত্র উপায় হলো তা যে কাজটি আপনি ভালোবাসেন)

Balks Meaning in Different Languages

The word balks has the following meanings in different languages:

  • Bengali: বাধা
  • Hindi: बाधा
  • Nepali: बाधा
  • Urdu: بالکس
  • Tamil: தடுப்புகள்
  • Telugu: బాల్క్స్
  • Arabic: العراقيل
  • Chinese: 障碍
  • Japanese: 障害
  • Russian: препятствия

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