
Ball Meaning in Bengali: বল, গোলক, পাথর, পাথরের গোলক (noun, pronounced as bôl, gôlkô, pāthôr, pāthôrer gôlkô)

Definition of Ball

(noun, pronounced as bôl)

A ball is a round object that is used in various sports and games. It is typically made of leather, rubber, or plastic and is designed to be thrown, kicked, or hit. Balls come in different sizes and shapes depending on the sport or game they are used for.

Synonyms of Ball

(noun, pronounced as bôl)

  • Sphere – গোলক (gôlkô)
  • Orb – গ্লোব (glôbô)
  • Globe – পৃথিবী (prithibī)
  • Round – গোল (gôl)

Antonyms of Ball

(noun, pronounced as bôl)

  • Cube – ঘনক (ghanôk)
  • Cylinder – ব্যাসকুণ্ডল (byāskuṇḍôl)
  • Pyramid – পিরামিড (pirāmid)
  • Rectangle – আয়ত (āyôt)

Origin of Ball

(noun, pronounced as bôl)

The word “ball” originated from the Old English word “beall,” which means a round object. It has been used in various forms across different languages and cultures throughout history.

Nearby Words

  • Ballad – (noun) বল্লাদ (ballād)
  • Ballast – (noun) বলস্থল (balasthôl)
  • Ballistic – (adjective) বলবিদ্যাসংক্রান্ত (balobidydāsānkrānta)
  • Ballot – (noun) বোট (bōṭ)

Ball in Literature Quotes

“Life is like a game of tennis; you have to fight hard to earn every point, sometimes you win while sometimes you lose.” – Serena Williams (জীবন টেনিসের মতো; প্রতিটি পয়েন্ট জিততে আপনাকে সমর্থন করতে হবে, কখনও আপনি জিতবেন এবং কখনও হারবেন।)

“The ball is round, the game lasts ninety minutes, and everything else is just theory.” – Josef Herberger (বলটি গোলক, খেলাটি নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের জন্য চলে, আর সব অন্যান্য কেবল সিদ্ধান্ত।)

Ball Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: বল
  • Hindi: गेंद
  • Nepali: गेन्ड
  • Urdu: گیند
  • Tamil: பந்து
  • Telugu: బంతి
  • Arabic: كرة
  • Chinese: 球
  • Japanese: ボール
  • Russian: мяч

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