
Bandy Meaning in Bengali: ব্যান্ডি (noun), ব্যান্ডি করা (verb)

Definition and Pronunciation

Bandy (noun, verb) /ˈbændi/

Bandy is a term used to describe a game similar to hockey, played on ice or a field, with a ball and curved sticks. It can also refer to the act of exchanging words or arguments in a heated or casual manner.

Synonyms of Bandy

1. Toss (ছোঁড়ানো)
2. Exchange (বিনিময় করা)
3. Trade (বাণিজ্য করা)
4. Barter (বিনিময় করা)
5. Swap (পরিবর্তন করা)

Antonyms of Bandy

1. Agree (সম্মত হত্তয়া)
2. Concur (একমত হত্তয়া)
3. Harmonize (সাদৃশ্য প্রদর্শন করা)
4. Unite (ঐক্য করা)
5. Conform (মান মেনে চলা)

Origin of Bandy

The word “bandy” originated from the Middle French word “bander,” which means “to strike back and forth.” It was first used in the context of the game in the mid-18th century.

Nearby Words

1. Band (noun) – a group of musicians or a strip of material
2. Bane (noun) – a cause of great distress or annoyance
3. Bandy-legged (adjective) – having legs that curve outward at the knees
4. Bandit (noun) – a robber or outlaw
5. Bandage (noun) – a strip of material used to cover or protect a wound

Bandy in Literature Quotes

1. “Words are but wind, and learning is nothing but words; ergo, women are but wind.” – William Shakespeare (শব্দগুলি কেবল বাতাস, এবং শিক্ষা কেবল শব্দের মতো; অর্থাত্‌, নারীরা কেবল বাতাস।)

2. “A bandy word for a quarrelsome fellow.” – Charles Dickens (একটি ঝগড়াটে মানুষের জন্য একটি ব্যান্ডি শব্দ।)

Bandy Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ব্যান্ডি
Hindi: बैंडी
Nepali: ब्यान्डी
Urdu: بینڈی
Tamil: பாண்டி
Telugu: బ్యాండీ
Arabic: باندي
Chinese: 棒球 (bàngqiú)
Japanese: バンディ (bandi)
Russian: бенди (bendi)

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