
Bane meaning in Bengali: অভিশাপ, ক্ষতিকর, বিপদজনক (noun, adjective, pronunciations: /beɪn/)

Definition of Bane

Bane is a noun that refers to something that causes great distress or annoyance. It can also mean a person or thing that ruins or spoils something. As an adjective, bane describes something that is harmful or destructive.

Synonyms of Bane

Some synonyms of bane include curse, affliction, scourge, plague, nuisance, and trouble.

Antonyms of Bane

Antonyms of bane include blessing (আশীর্বাদ), boon (উপকার), and advantage (সুবিধা).

Origin of Bane

The word “bane” originated from the Old English word “bana,” which means “destroyer” or “slayer.” It can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic word “banon,” meaning “to strike down” or “to kill.”

Nearby Words

  • Bandit (noun)
  • Bang (verb)
  • Banish (verb)
  • Banquet (noun)
  • Baptism (noun)

Bane in Literature Quotes

“The bane of my existence,” she muttered, frustrated with the constant problems. (Author: Jane Doe) – আমার বিপদের মূল, বলে তিনি বিবেচনা করেছিলেন, সমস্যাগুলির অবিরাম সমস্যা।

“Bane is the darkness that engulfs our souls,” he wrote in his famous novel. (Author: John Smith) – বিপদ হল আমাদের আত্মাগুলি আচ্ছাদন করা অন্ধকার, তিনি তাঁর প্রখ্যাত উপন্যাসে লিখেছিলেন।

Bane Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: অভিশাপ
  • Hindi: अभिशाप
  • Nepali: अभिशाप
  • Urdu: ابھشاپ
  • Tamil: அபிசாபம்
  • Telugu: అభిశాపం
  • Arabic: نقمة
  • Chinese: 灾祸
  • Japanese: 災い
  • Russian: беда

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