
Baneful Meaning in Bengali: ক্ষতিকর, অপকারক, বিপর্যয়কর, অশুভ (noun)

Part of Speech & Pronunciation: adjective (beyn-fuhl)

Definition of Baneful

Baneful refers to something that is harmful, destructive, or causing great distress. It is often used to describe situations, events, or influences that have negative consequences or adverse effects on individuals or society as a whole.

Baneful Synonyms

Some synonyms of baneful include:

  • Deleterious: ক্ষতিকর (adjective)
  • Destructive: ধ্বংসপ্রবণ (adjective)
  • Harmful: ক্ষতিকর (adjective)
  • Malefic: অশুভ (adjective)
  • Pernicious: ক্ষতিকর (adjective)

Baneful Antonyms

Some antonyms of baneful include:

  • Beneficial: উপকারী (adjective)
  • Constructive: নির্মাণমূলক (adjective)
  • Positive: সকারাত্মক (adjective)
  • Wholesome: সুস্থ (adjective)
  • Salutary: উপকারী (adjective)

Origin of Baneful

The word baneful originated from the Old English word bane, meaning “cause of death or destruction.” It has been in use since the 14th century.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to baneful include:

  • Bane: ক্ষতিকর (noun)
  • Banefully: ক্ষতিকরভাবে (adverb)
  • Banefulness: ক্ষতিকরতা (noun)
  • Banefully: ক্ষতিকরভাবে (adverb)

Baneful in Literature Quotes

“The baneful consequences of ignorance and neglect.” – Thomas Jefferson (অজ্ঞান এবং উপেক্ষার ক্ষতিকর ফলাফল।)

“Baneful stars and evil omens.” – William Shakespeare (ক্ষতিকর তারা এবং মন্দ পূর্বলক্ষণ।)

Baneful Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ক্ষতিকর

Hindi: हानिकारक

Nepali: नाशकारी

Urdu: نقصان دہ

Tamil: பாதிப்பான

Telugu: హానికరమైన

Arabic: مؤذٍ

Chinese: 有害的

Japanese: 有害な

Russian: пагубный

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