baptism of fire

Baptism of Fire Meaning in Bengali

In Bengali, the phrase “baptism of fire” can be translated into several meanings: আগুনের স্নান (noun, pronunciation: aguner snan), আগুনের প্রবেশ (noun, pronunciation: aguner probeś), আগুনের পরীক্ষা (noun, pronunciation: aguner poriksha). These Bengali phrases convey the essence of undergoing a challenging or difficult experience that tests one’s abilities or character.

Part of Speech & Pronunciation

The phrase “baptism of fire” is a noun phrase. The pronunciation of this phrase is [bap-tiz-uhm uhv fahyuh r].

Definition of Baptism of Fire

Baptism of fire refers to a person’s first experience or encounter with a difficult or challenging situation, often in a literal or metaphorical sense. It implies being thrown into the midst of a demanding situation without any prior preparation, forcing one to quickly adapt and learn.

Baptism of Fire Synonyms

Some synonyms for “baptism of fire” include:

  • Trial by fire (আগুনের পরীক্ষা, noun)
  • Ordeal (পরীক্ষা, noun)
  • Initiation (আরম্ভ, noun)
  • Test (পরীক্ষা, noun)


  • Smooth sailing (মস্ত প্রগতি, noun)
  • Easy task (সহজ কাজ, noun)
  • Comfortable experience (সুখজনক অভিজ্ঞতা, noun)
  • Simple challenge (সহজ চ্যালেঞ্জ, noun)

Origin of Baptism of Fire

The phrase “baptism of fire” has its origins in the military context, specifically referring to a soldier’s first experience of combat. It symbolizes the initiation or introduction of a soldier into the harsh realities and dangers of warfare.

Nearby Words

  • Baptism (noun)
  • Baptist (noun)
  • Baptize (verb)
  • Baptismal (adjective)

Baptism of Fire in Literature Quotes

“In the baptism of fire, we find our true strength.” – Unknown (আগুনের স্নানে, আমরা আমাদের সত্যিকার শক্তি খুঁজে পাই।)

“The baptism of fire is the forge of heroes.” – Carlos Ruiz Zafón (আগুনের স্নান হল নীরব নায়কদের প্রস্তুতিকরণের জন্যের মাঠ।)

Baptism of Fire Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: আগুনের স্নান (aguner snan), Hindi: आग का स्नान (aag ka snan), Nepali: आगोको स्नान (agoko snan), Urdu: آگ کا سنان (aag ka snan), Tamil: தீயின் சுழற்சி (theeyin chuzharchi), Telugu: అగ్ని స్నానం (agni snanam), Arabic: معمودية النار (ma’mudiyyat alnnar), Chinese: 火的洗禮 (huǒ de xǐlǐ), Japanese: 火の洗礼 (hi no senrei), Russian: крещение огнем (kreshcheniye ognyem).

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